Grant Elementary staff is committed to keeping families up-to-date with information and events occuring at the school. Physical copies of these newsletters are sent to each family's home.
February 2023
Principal's Message from Shannon Dahl
t's that time of the year where school becomes a little more stressful, scholars are more easily frustrated and everyone feels tired! You might be asking "What can I do to help my child?" We have 6 areas of social emotional learning we focus on in schools:
- Self-Awareness—Individual can identify their emotions, personal assets, areas for growth, and potential external resources and supports
- Self-Management—Individual can regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors
- Self-Efficacy—Individual can motivate themselves, persevere, and see themselves as capable.
- Social Awareness—Individual can take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures
- Social Management—Individual can make safe and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions
- Social Engagement—Individual can consider others and show a desire to contribute to the well-being of school and community
This month it would be VERY helpful if you helped your child learn to identify their emotions. This is beyond just feeling "good or bad," but specific emotions such as angry, tired, happy, excited, overwhelmed, etc. It often helps to have them draw their emotion and not only how it made them feel, but how their emotions make others feel. Stick figures are easy and quick... they can even be drawn on a napkin at a restaurant!
1/30 Assembly: HUMBLE
2/6 School Counselor Appreciation Day
2/6 Assembly: American Heart Assoc. (begin "Kids Heart Challenge")
2/6 DUE: Science & Invention Fair forms
2/14 Friendship Parties
2/17 National Random Act of Kindness
2/20 President's Day (NO SCHOOL)
2/21 Family Night: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
3/2 Read Across America Day
February Character Trait
I can be POSITIVE by...
- keeping an open mind
- offering to help
- showing compassion
- being happy for others
- looking at the bright side
- using nice words
- thinking good thoughts
- being thankful
- smiling more
- believing anything is possible
Starting the day right
Our doors are open at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. Monday. If your child eats breakfast and you are dropping them off, please don't wait until the last minute. Our breakfast line is long, so please send your child as soon as the doors open. Also, we lock the doors right at the start time (8:05 a.m. Tuesday-Friday and 9:05 a.m. Monday). There will be no supervision at drop-off after that time.
parenting the love and logic way
If you would love to build your parenting toolbox, Love and Logic strategies are a great addition. Love and Logic focuses on allowing children to experience natural consequences, while supporting them with care and empathy. If you are curious about ways you can bring the humor and fun back into parenting, then come check out Love and Logic. Classes will begin February 13, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Flyers will be sent home soon.
Family Night: Science & Invention Fair
Who? Bring your entire family!
What? It's our annual "science fair" and we have a ton of science activities for everyone to participate!
Scholars who attend will receive $50 Scholar Dollars & participants with entries for the
science / invention fair will receive $100!!!
Where? Grant School (so cool)
When? Tuesday, February 21, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Get involved WITH OUR PTO
At the end of this year we will need a new PTO President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and other various positions that support our school. Our current officers are graduating to Parkway! THESE POSITIONS ARE VITAL FOR OUR SUCCESS!!! If we don't have greater family involvement, we will not be able to provide activities such as field trips, fundraisers, school store, scholar incentives, etc. for the 23-24 school year. Contact your child's teacher or the office for information and come to the next meeting on Monday, February 27 at 6:30 p.m!!!
Every year, because we are a Title 1 School, we have teachers, students and families complete something called a “compact.” This is a collaborative agreement, between all three parties, to help with YOUR child’s success. Please use the link below to access the compact online. This should be quick and easy! Do not hesitate to contact the school with any questions. Once completed your child will receive $50 Scholar Dollars!
Click to access the Compact Form
Help us help you
Unless it is an emergency, it's very difficult for us to release students after 2:30 p.m. We have students moving
all over the building, packing up, etc. as well as typically this is our Junior Joggers time. School releases at 3:05 p.m. daily and the pick-up line is done around 3:15 p.m. 10 minutes is way faster than in the past! Thank you
for your patience.
January 2023
Principal's Message from Shannon Dahl
Welcome back from what I hope was a very blessed, restful, and merry winter break! I for one feel energized and ready for the new year. We have many fun, entertaining, and exciting events coming up the 2nd have of the year, so be sure to pay attention to the different Remind, Skyward and paper messages we are communicating with you.
On January 23rd, I have set aside something called "Chocolates and Chats". This is a time for families to come in and talk directly with me about how things are going at Grant and what areas you would like to improve. I will share out the School Improvement Plan and use your input to help make Grant an even better school than it already is. Your opinions matter! Of course, just like the title says, I'll have chocolates.
Principal Dahl
1/13 Temperance & Good Citizenship Day
1/13 4th Grade: Growth & Development
1/16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
1/17 Goodies with Grown-ups (7:00 - 7:45 a.m.)
1/17 Family Night: Social Studies (6:00 - 7:00 p.m.)
1/23 End of 2nd Quarter
1/23 Chocolates & Chats with Principal Dahl (6:00 p.m.)
1/30 Assembly: HUMBLE
Monthly Character Trait
I can be HUMBLE by...
- Helping others succeed
- Being happy for others
- Being modest
- Not putting anyone down
- Never bragging
- Sharing my success
- Building others up
- Letting others go first
- Giving nice compliments
- Giving back when I can
Student pick-up & Drop-off
Please follow ALL SAFETY rules, guidelines, etc. It's icy and snowy with little visibility. DO NOT park in non-designated areas and definitely not near the fire hydrant in front of the school. We appreciate you listening to all crossing guards and using the crosswalks AT ALL TIMES!!!!!
Do you ever think about an easy, consistent way to parent? Well, as we all know, parenting (plain and simple) is NOT easy! However, with some strategies in place, it can become easIER. At Grant, staff use strategies we learned from a program called "Love and Logic". We will be offering evening workshops for anyone interested in exploring strategies to help their child be more successful. Stay tuned to find out when and where these classes will be offered.
For more information you can go to :
"Children learn the best lessons when they're given a task and allowed to make their own choices (and fail) when the cost of failure is still small. Children's failures must be coupled with love and empathy from their parents and teachers. This practical, research-based philosophy is backed with over 45 years of experience. Parents [families] can apply it immediately to a wide range of situations instead of struggling with difficult counseling procedures."
Family night: Social Studies
Who? |
Bring your entire family! Grant Scholars receive 50 Scholar Dollars. |
What? |
Play some games from around the world, make a human chain of kindness and learn about your very own family |
Grant School (so cool) |
When? |
January 17 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. |
Grant PTO
We will have a meeting on January 23rd @ 6:30pm in the Grant School Library. If you are interested in contributing to the school, please come! We WANT YOU! At the end of this year we will need a new president, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and other various positions that support our school. Our current officers are graduating to Parkway, so we need new people. THESE POSITIONS ARE VITAL FOR OUR SUCCESS!!!
Social Emotional Learning
At Grant, we are not only responsible for teaching the basics of reading, writing, mathematics, social studies and science, but we also spend much of our efforts in the area of BEHAVIOR. In our world, this is called "social emotional learning". Here are some of the key ideas your child is learning:
- Self-Awareness: ability to identify their emotions, personal assets, areas for growth & potential external resources & supports
- Self-Management: ability to regulate emotions, thoughts & behaviors Self-Efficacy: ability to motivate themselves, persevere, and see themselves as capable
- Social Awareness: ability to take the perspective of & empathize with others from diverse backgrounds & cultures
- Social Management: ability to make safe & constructive choices about personal behavior & social interactions
- Social Engagement: ability to consider others & show a desire to contribute to the well-being of school & community
December 2022
Principal's Message from Shannon Dahl
I am excited for not only the holiday season and festivities, but for the new quarter where we will see all the growth your scholar has made. This can be a crazy time of the year for families, full of happiness and good old fashioned fun. It can also be a worrisome time of the year for many. I hope you are able to use this time to unwind and appreciate one another. Don't feel pressured to do something extravagant. There are many opportunities to have fun and build memories right in your own home!
Here are some ideas: family game night; baking cookies, have an indoor snowball fight (crumple up old newspaper, etc. & go for it!); build your own drive-in theater with forts, a movie and some popcorn; crafting; paper snowflakes for your windows & to hang from the ceiling; bake something to give to a neighbor; go on a family walk (make it a scavenger hunt); do an obstacle course & time each other (inside or outside); make cards and decorations to take to the Senior Center or local assisted living.
12/5-9 PTO Book Fair
12/8 Family Night: Literacy & Book Fair 6:00-7:30 p.m.
12/16 School Movie Day @ Lee Theater
12/19 Winter Program REHEARSALS
12/20 Winter Program @ EHS PAC Gym
12/20 Goodies with Grownups 7:00-7:45 a.m.
12/21 Winter Break starts NO SCHOOL
1/3 First day back from Winter Break
Monthly Character Trait
I can be HUMBLE by...
- Helping others succeed
- Being happy for others
- Being modest
- Not putting anyone down
- Never bragging
- Sharing my success
- Building others up
- Letting others go first
- Giving nice compliments
- Giving back when I can
Student Pick-up & Drop-Off
We are finding it VERY unsafe outside at the drop-off and pick-up times due to families not following the safety guidelines. Please ALWAYS use the designated flow of traffic lines, as well as the crosswalks and sidewalks. DO NOT walk between cars or part in areas that block traffic or designated walking areas. We are doing everything we can to ensure safety and need your help.
The giving tree
With the holiday season already here, our Giving Tree is up and running. This is an opportunity to donate toys and clothes to Grant families who are in need of a little extra help during this time.
Click to access the Giving Tree donation tags
Please contact Mrs. Burck, school counselor, with any questions.
Family Night: Literacy
WHO? Mrs. Jones is planning a very special in-person Family Night with
WHAT? A focus on reading, writing and just plain old fashioned fun!
WHERE? Grant School (so cool)
WHEN? Thursday, December 8 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Grant PTO
Our See's Candy fundraiser was a ginormous hit! WE earned a total of $11,412.38 to add to our savings. Scholars sold a total of 1,388 boxes of sweet, sweet sugar. Our school top sellers were:
- Collin Young (70 boxes)
- Colton Thompson (55 boxes)
- Top selling class is Mrs. Monda's (142 boxes)
Mr. Bilodeau, our illustrious music teacher, is working hard preparing our scholars for our annual Winter Performance! There are TWO performances being held on December 20th at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
- Both performances will be at the EHS PAC Gym
- Parking is limited, so please plan accordingly
- You're welcome to attend either or both performances
- Once in a performance, please remain for the entire time.
- You will not be able to enter into the staging area where scholars are waiting
On the day of the performance, please dress your child in festive, yet warm, clothing. If you have any festive clothing to donate, we will take them for other children to use.
If you want to take your child home, you will have to check them out from the Grant Office. No child will be removed from the performance due to safety.
November 2022
I want to thank all the families for your support. Grant is a special place for ALL kids and we are so incredibly excited to have families coming and volunteering again, participating in family nights, attending PTO meetings, and just being involved. Family involvement is what makes us "Grant". If you ever want to help out, but maybe can't come to the school to do so, we always have things that can be cut out, organized, etc. in the comfort of your own home. Just give your teacher a call and we will find a way for you to help out. If you do come to school as a volunteer, you need to have the volunteer paperwork completed and cleared prior to your start time. Finally, all non-school district employees MUST CHECK IN AT THE OFFICE PRIOR TO GOING INTO ANY AREA OF THE BUILDING. You will receive a visitor sticker after you sign in and then we are practicing safety measures. Looking forward to seeing, meeting and talking with many more of you!
- Principal Dahl
11/1 Giving Tree begins
11/2 End of 1st Quarter
11/6 Daylight Savings ("fall back 1 hour")
11/7 Assembly: DEPENDABLE
11/8-10 Early Release 12:10 p.m. (conferences)
11/8 Family Collaboration w/ Principal Dahl
11/8 Election Day (time to vote!)
11/10 Assembly: Veteran's Day @ EHS
11/11 Veteran's Day (NO SCHOOL)
11/14-18 American Education Week and IDEA Project workshops
11/15 Goodies with Grownups 7:00-7:45 a.m.
11/23 Early Release 12:10 p.m.
11/24-25 Thanksgiving Break
11/28 PTO Meeting 6:30pm
I can be EMPATHETIC by …
- relating to others
- being understanding
- showing support
- giving a hug
- caring about everyone
- listening to others
- offering a helping hand
- being there for others
- thinking about the feelings of others
It's the time of year to start thinking about changing weather. Starting November 1st we would like all students to come in pants and closed toed shoes with socks! It's going to get cold quickly, so please send them with a warm coat as well. If you need assistance with this, contact Mrs. Burck, our school counselor.
Love & Logic is a research-driven, whole-child approach to parenting. The program teaches powerful tools to help raise self-confident and motivated children. The parenting strategies focus a lot on empathetic approaches and natural consequences.
Parenting classes will be offered for FREE starting in January.
More information to follow.
When selling the candy, Grant makes the most from the small $11 boxes. We are hoping each scholar could sell 5 of the small boxes, which will help us meet our goal of $13,000!
This money is used for all of the fun and exciting things that we do at Grant (field trips, movie day, AR store, family nights, etc.!
-Grant PTO
The IDEA Project’s disability awareness program consists of a group assembly followed by individual activity stations, all of which are tailored to meet the developmental stage and grade level of your students. The program introduces students to the idea of differences and what it is like to have different abilities.
The 40-minute assembly is an interactive program during which students are encouraged to be part of the discussion and to participate in interactive group activities. An inspiring video is shown of children with different abilities doing things others might not expect them to do. The purpose is to show that although everyone is different in their own way, we can find similarities and ways that everyone can participate in activities.
After the assembly portion has concluded, students will rotate through activity stations. The stations allow students to experience different types of disabilities such as sensory processing issues, communication delays, and physical impairments in order to enhance their understanding and encourage empathy. The IDEA Project fulfills the Washington State requirement for disability awareness assemblies per WAC 28A.230.158.
With the holiday season fast approaching, we will be getting our Giving Tree up and running as soon as possible. This is an opportunity to donate toys and clothes to Grant families who are in need of a little extra help during this time. Please be on the lookout for further announcements on the virtual Giving Tree. When it is ready, a link will be posted on the Grant School website and the PTO Facebook page.
Until then, we have many families who could use donations for a Thanksgiving meal or winter coats. Please contact Mrs. Burck (school counselor) with any questions.
October 2022
Grant Elementary October Newsletter
Now that we're info the new school year, I wanted to officially welcome you to Fall! We have many new events coming up this year since we are "back to normal." Please check our website, Facebook pages, etc. for updates on what's happening.This is already a fabulous school year and I can't wait to see the growth in all of our scholars. This year we have Mr. Evenson stepping up as the Dean of Students. He will be assisting me with a variety of things related to behavior supports, as well as attendance. He is my "right hand man!" If you have anything you'd like to discuss with me or Mr. Evenson, please don't hesitate to do so. Mrs. Burck is our amazing counselor who is also available to help you if you're in need of support. We are here for you and your child!
- Principal Dahl
10/17 Picture Retakes
10/18 Goodies with Grownups 7:00-7:45 a.m.
10/20 Skyward signups for Conferences
10/31 Tiger Pride Day (GLOW Party)
11/1 Giving Tree begins (stay tuned for info.)
11/2 End of 1st Quarter
11/6 Daylight Savings ("fall back 1 hour")
11/7 Assembly: DEPENDABLE
11/8-10 Early Release 12:10 p.m. (conferences)
11/8 Family Collaboration w/ Principal Dahl 11/8 Election Day (time to vote!)
11/10 Assembly: Veteran's Day @ EHS
11/11 Veteran's Day (NO SCHOOL)
11/14-18 American Education Week and IDEA Project workshops
11/15 Goodies with Grownups 7:00-7:45 a.m. 11/23 Early Release 12:10 p.m.
11/24-25 Thanksgiving Break
11/28 PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m.
I can be DEPENDABLE by:
- Showing that I am responsible
- Being consistent
- Helping others
- Doing what is expected of me
- Being there for others
- Being trustworthy
- Remembering my promises
- Following through on what I say
- Being on time
- Being reliable
School starts at 9:05am Monday and 8:05 a.m. Tuesday through Friday. DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILD OFF BEFORE 8:30 a.m. Monday and 7:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday. If your child eats breakfast at school and you drop them off or they walk, please be sure they come before the start time, in order to have enough time to eat. Those that ride the bus will eat upon arrival.
On October 31st, Grant will have their first quarterly Tiger Pride Day. Students will participate in a GLOW in the DARK party. They will get to use their already earned Tiger Tickets to purchase more glow in the dark SWAG.
This is a time we reward our scholars who have NO OFFICE REFERRALS. Those that do have a referral will not be "punished" a second time, rather they will have the opportunity to receive some instruction around social emotional learning and behavior support.
It's the time of year to start thinking about changing weather. Starting November 1st we would like all students to come in pants and closed toed shoes with socks! It's going to get cold quickly, so please send them with a warm coat as well. If you need assistance with this, contact Mrs. Burck, our school counselor.
You may recall that the last bond vote approved funding to remodel Grant Elementary. Last week we
opened bids from contractors hoping to approve the project. What we found is that at current pricing, we are unable to afford the project. Bids were submitted at nearly 40% more than what we have budgeted. At this time, we cannot, in good conscience or as good stewards of taxpayer money, accept this project. Grant Elementary construction will be delayed.
Our plan, moving forward, is to bid Grant Elementary, the Performing Arts Center (PAC) and Beezley Springs renovations in the summer of 2023. Although construction will be delayed, our community will benefit as this delay allows Columbia Ridge and Ephrata Middle School gymnasium to finish, significantly reducing the impact to gym space that would have occurred if Grant Elementary, the PAC gym, Columbia Ridge and EMS gym were all unavailable at
the same time.
We are unbelievably saddened that we are not able to proceed with construction as planned. We remain true to our promise to deliver a new/remodeled and improved Grant Elementary. Any strategy to trim the project down 40% would create a project that is not equitable, and/or will not meet the standards set for an elementary school in Ephrata. We will deliver an
improved Grant Elementary when we are financially able to do so - we are hoping for the summer of 2023.
Tim Payne
Superintendent, Ephrata School District